Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hong Kong

Hong Kong. Wow.

The heat was the first thing I noticed when I stepped of the plane, like a slap in the face with a warm flannel.. Quite a change from the freeeeeeeeezing airplane!
So that was that, I had to whip into the bathroom and get my stubbies on. The amount of strange looks I have got, with my million bags, camera, and token stubbies are priceless. I can almost hear them thinking "typical foreigner" but I did see some ausies wearing close to the same kinda thing and we had that knowing wink between us ;)

I made my first purchase in China today! Two bottles of evian water :) I know right, woah big spender.. But none the less it was amazing. And I have the coolest change from my $100RMB note, except the change is in Hong Kong dollars so I better spend it up before the next flight to Beijing!
Would be so keen for a frozen coke right now...

The airport in Wellington was amazing, picking up my bag out of the security check and everything going flying all over the floor and then proceeding to lose my boarding pass.. It was brilliant. Couldn't have done it any other way. Thank you to all the awesome people who came and said farewell :)

Better go, find out where my gate is in this MASSIVE place..
Until next time :)


  1. Hi Maddie! I found your blog on the AFS website!
    ARGHHH it seems like last week that we all met in Wellington but you've already left and the rest of us are leaving in 10days!
    I hope you're having fun in China!

  2. AHAH classic Maddie moves there. Oh im so sorry i couldnt make the farewell with babysitting, i was actually tearing up when the lady texted and said shed be late back home :'( I will make up for it with THE BEST welcome back you can ever imagine :D Counting down the days xx
